Ibrahim was ALOD’s Executive Director for two years and managed the organization’s general operation. He is a researcher and writer on the African political economy and foreign affairs. A devoted teacher of freedom, Ibrahim frequents the African media space propagating libertarian ideals. He has a background in political science, think tank management and strategic communication.

While in school, Ibrahim developed interest in African political economy with focus on topics such as trade relations, migration, and regional integration. While in school, he co-established his school’s arm of African Liberty Students’ Organization (ALSO), and acted as secretary through its inaugural year.

In his capacity, he organizes educational and leadership programs for students and young professionals interested in pursuing a career in the liberty network or interested in learning both classical liberal ideology and entrepreneurial principles. He also teaches economic education to high school students through business contests and has helped established liberty clubs on campuses in Nigeria.

He was also a Development Trainee at the Competitive Enterprise Institute in Washington DC and a Charles Koch Institute alumni.